With all the licenses, audits,
registrations, roadworthies and calibrations required today
in heavy transport, many companies find themselves having
their gear 'out of date' in-advertently.
Asset Alert System was developed as a stand-alone or bolt-on-module
in other Burgewood Programs. How it works is simple, initially
the asset is entered into an asset alert database. The information
inputted includes the expiration date and a contact email
address. When the asset is within 30 days of expiring, an
email is automatically fired off to the contact listed.
The emails details what the asset is, what the renewal is
(eg registration) and by when is the renewal required. Asset
Alert System also has a 'mandatory' field meaning that if
the renewal has not been completed and noted on the Asset
Alert System within 5 days of expiring, another email is fired
off to the boss.
As a stand-alone system, the Asset Alert System needs to
be run regularly in its own right. As a module to another
program such as FMS Calculator, Load Manager or Scheduler
which are run almost daily, then the Asset Alert System runs
in the background.
As a module, Burgewood can integrate it into your existing
Excel systems that run regularly.
Screenshot of Asset Alert System |